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Void witch

Another work based on a community prompt to honour Warcraft's new playable race, the Ren'dorei. The timing of this illustration was close to Halloween, so a witchy costume for a warlock character seemed more than appropriate. Originally sketched on the go while attending a London Fashion Week show, worked on and coloured further at home. Strangely enough, the original sketch worked well enough without many changes, so I simply cleaned it up and emphasised some details before colour.
I cannot thank the gaming community enough for all the inspiration prompts they create! <3

A cleaned up sketch. Some roughness of it not being a full lineart is still visible, but I rather like it that way. Some shadows are already visible.

A cleaned up sketch. Some roughness of it not being a full lineart is still visible, but I rather like it that way. Some shadows are already visible.

Blocking out colours and effects

Blocking out colours and effects

Further details and colours are added

Further details and colours are added

Final piece, coloured and with appropriate magic glow

Final piece, coloured and with appropriate magic glow